Saturday, January 07, 2006


Darkness has fallen unexpectedly early. The Monstrous, thick rainclouds are moving quikely to consume what little brightness that is left in the sky. Tears are crashing down from the heavens already each making its unique music note as it touches down in the world. It's kind of like how we all try to make our unique mark in the world when we begin our jouney in the world. But soon these raindrops join the others making rivers that run alone the crevices of the earth.

The sky is falling, but I leave my windows wide open embracing the sudden transformation in the world. The cranes in the harbor blur in the distance from the veil that is the rain. The rain sings louder. the outlines of the building across from mine is surrounded by white myst from the rapidly descending water. I breath in the sound as the wind enters my windows and my sheets begin to dance to the symphony.

I walk towards my window and feel the tiny specs of rain tingle my skin.

Everything in this world is so artistic. Do you see it?


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