Thursday, October 27, 2005

all the uncles and aunties

today I am going to talk about all the cool uncles and aunties

first there is the Sheares Hall supper aunty (we suspect that her name is Ashley as all the things on the menu are named after someone called Ashley). It seems like she has so much energy all the time, taking the incessant orders, and calling them out "number TOO!! numba TOO!!.... Numba tree! TREE!..."

aw... aunty.

there is an uncle who works at the western cruisine in the bizad canteen.. he has a distinct and loud voice that can take up to 20 different specified order and remember all of them in order perfectly without ever having to write anything down. "Next plz! okay, Next plz! order chicken pasta? Next plz! got to go faster, next plz!" I think he is one of the wonders of Singapore, definately worth visiting incase you're ever in Singapore.


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