Thursday, October 27, 2005

all the uncles and aunties

today I am going to talk about all the cool uncles and aunties

first there is the Sheares Hall supper aunty (we suspect that her name is Ashley as all the things on the menu are named after someone called Ashley). It seems like she has so much energy all the time, taking the incessant orders, and calling them out "number TOO!! numba TOO!!.... Numba tree! TREE!..."

aw... aunty.

there is an uncle who works at the western cruisine in the bizad canteen.. he has a distinct and loud voice that can take up to 20 different specified order and remember all of them in order perfectly without ever having to write anything down. "Next plz! okay, Next plz! order chicken pasta? Next plz! got to go faster, next plz!" I think he is one of the wonders of Singapore, definately worth visiting incase you're ever in Singapore.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

In the next five years

There are so many things that I am in love with... and I want to do them all. I thought that I would write them down (including the things that I just want to get done).

In the next five years...

I would like to improve my Salsa, learn Flamenco, Tango and Belly Dancing.

I need to speak french fluently.

I want to learn to speak spanish at the same level at my french when I first went to Mtl

I want to pick up a sport that I would do/play regularly.

I want to read a novel in Chinese and in French

I want to sell one drawing.

I want to visit europe.

I want to get settled and live on another continent (other than north america or austrailia or antarctica)

I want to be a cordon bleu

I want a job in advertising, PR or Brand management.

I want to hitchhike across canada.

I want to bike around montreal for a day.

I want to act in a play.

I want to learn Chinese calligraphy.

Do my own taxes.

Free myself of glasses and contacts.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


I came home to find a msg Alex left me on Skype, they are lyrics to a song his girlfriend is practising:

How can one age the heart?
What wound, what memory will ever teach it wisdom?
Never again, one says;
then deliberately unlocks the torture chaimber and smiles at the executioner.

I like that :) . It makes me think.

I feel so exhilerated right now, I realize that I haven't felt this way for such a long time. I've been burdened down with so many worries and difficulties in life lately it has been hard to keep my head up. Today I finished my SPSS, which at first I was so clueless about and felt that it would have been impossible. It's that feeling of hard earned victory. I rewarded myself by taking the rest of the evening off.

I went to Kent Ridge, the Hall right beside us, with Steven to find ppl to go to 7-11 to get ice cream with. and we did, we met so many cool people. We didn't do anything spectacular, but I had such a good time, just talking to people and getting to know them. Afterwards we drank on the roof of their block A while playing music from their laptop. After a while some people left, and the music was so nice. It was all middle eastern music. I couldn't help myself, so I started dancing to it, yet I hardly knew the people. But I had so much fun. I feel light headed and content. It's one of those feelings that clings onto you and puts a smile on your face as you fall asleep. I love people. I love talking to them, learning about them. I realize that I am the most happy when I am meeting interesting people. It's almost like a drug that puts music in your steps. I can't describe it, it's not merely contentness, rather it's like when a starving man in presented a feast. :)

On a different note, here are some pictures from Taman Negara--- nevermind, blogger is acting weird and won't let me add ne photos.