Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Through the looking glass

It always amazes me how photographers can take simple, everyday things such as a wall with peeling paint, a garbage can or playing children and make them look spectacular and breath taking. They can present you something in it's most bare and unaltered form and let that simplicity bring a tear to your eye.

So how can they reveal so much beauty in the world that we pass by everyday? What magic have they got that we weren't lucky enough to be endowed with as well? I was with a photographer once. They do not look at things from all angles, nor do they pre-think how they can edit the photo to enhance it... they see what we see, yet it's as if the beauty reaches their hearts whereas it only reaches our eyes. Then why do we often only realize the beauty of things once they are captured? Photographers must have magic.

Wouldn't it be beautiful if we all had that magic? Wouldn't the world become vibrant enough for us to all get drunk off of?

Friday, February 10, 2006

infectious smile

There are some people out there with those special kind of smile that sheds a certain magic on on those who see them. You can't help but smile too. It's not a particular shape the curvature of the mouth takes, nor is it the way the person looks, it is the undeniable genuinity that the smile echoes. There are some smile that touch only the mouth... some smiles reach the eyes and others reach the whole face... but then there are some that reach all the way to the heart.

I met someone in my salsa class like that. He wasn't particularly stunning in looks, nor where him mannerisms outstanding. I can't even say that I was attracted to him at all... but him smile. Wow! and that alone made him such a pleasant and fun person to be with.